Sunday, November 2

a lovely-ish sunday

Sunday...another day I love...
usually spent at dimsum
(chinese breakfast/brunch)
with one side of the family.

however, this morning was exceptionally sunny
and hot so it was decided by some friends that
I should join them in some poolside shenanigans,
and I was most happy to oblige them.

the past week has been very dreary,
what with it raining at least 5 hours a day everyday.
I'm not sure why I would think that my sunday would be an exception,
even though it started out as such.

just as I was getting used to soaking in the sun...

...that happened...
well the lightning is an exaggeration but those clouds are real.
All the same fun was still had and I hope the feeling lingers on
tomorrow while I freeze in the air conditioning at work.

Random 'me' fact:

I love to participate in underwater photoshoots!

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