since birth pretty much.
my mom read to me while
i was baking in the oven
and i pretty much read
everything i could get my
hands on.
i've read the bible (twice),
skipping numbers the
second time. i read all my
mom's psychology books,
which sparked my interest
in abnormal psychology,
my dad's law, politics, history
theology books. everything
and anything.
today i was on amazon and
seeking out some of my childhood
favourites; books i read 10+ times.
Enid Blyton was a fav when i was
younger and i'm quite happy
with the collection i've amassed,
hopefully my own kids will love
reading as much as i did.

the magic faraway series was one
of my favourites growing up.

as for mary poppins, i couldn't
put a figure to the amount of
times i've read these books.
still one of my favourite hobbies,
except now i read ayn rand,
john grisham, tom clancy and
various foreign novels in english.
1 comment:
from reading some of your posts, (you probably have read him already) I would recommend Kerouac. He is a pretty emotional writer who really articulates things well.
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