thanksgiving here but
i do have a lot of thanks
to give to some special people
who made yesterday evening
feel like a early christmas

this came from my bestie of 11...12...
who's-keeping-count-anymore years Cam.
twas as she described it 'a very very very' late
grad gift, which i looooove!
the second: a set of 13 inch (ambitious, no?)
knitting needles, which will come in handy on
my journey to no stressdom.
the third: two books on graphic design and
illustrations, 100% images, not theory.
the most random things inspire me, so
these are just random nice things in books.
nice coffee table pieces too.
and finally: a hdmi cable.
the last three were from my vader.
i love giving gifts, and i'm not at all fussy
about receiving them, but it is quite a
nice feeling to know you were
though of.
1 comment:
wow the pendant looks so diff against that back drop...
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